Moving Day

The sale of the house was completed in the third week of January, closing date of March 1st. 

This meant that we had five weeks until moving day to finish clearing out the remainder of our things and prepare for departure.  We had done well with the sale of our possessions and felt confident that we would be ready to vacate the house.   We had already cleared out the bedrooms and our gym equipment in the basement.  As the days counted down, the sale of items slowed and the house was looking empty.

We threw one last party in the house to celebrate and spend one more night with all of our friends. It was the last Daytona 500 we would watch together, so we enjoyed the day.  After that, there was one week remaining until moving day, before we walked out the door for the last time.

It was an easy “moving day”. 

We only had a few suitcases and some things that would get us through the week that bridged the closing date and the day of our flight.  An Airbnb a few doors down from our house would be the place that we would stay.  There were a few last goodbyes and the final prep for the dogs that needed to take place.

"See you later dinner" with Hayleys family
“See you later dinner” with Hayleys family
Our two dogs required the most planning for moving day. 

The U.K.’s rules for importing pets are stricter than other parts of Europe.  This meant that we not only needed their medical records in order, but also had to organize their movement as manifested cargo.  We needed to hire a company specializing in exporting pets from Canada and another for the importation upon their arrival in Manchester. 

While this did incur some costs, there was no way around it if we were to bring them along on our adventure.   They also required our own vet to administer a treatment not needed in Canada and sign a health certificate, which was further endorsed by another vet certified by the government.

Chevy & Sterling at Worldwide Animal Travel with me
Chevy & Sterling at Worldwide Animal Travel with me
Chevy & Sterling at Worldwide Animal Travel with Hayley
Chevy & Sterling at Worldwide Animal Travel with Hayley
The day had finally arrived for us to make our way across the Atlantic and begin the next chapter in our life.

That morning, we loaded the boys into our rental SUV and drove them to the office of the pet movers. We left them in their care for the day. Our flight was that night at eleven. The rest of the day was spent preparing ourselves for the flight.  We had packed using vacuum bags to ensure we were able to fit all of the clothing and possessions into two suitcases each and they were packed to capacity. 

It felt like a very long day.

We had eight hours between dropping the dogs off and the time we needed to be at the airport to check in.  Thanks to our preparation, we spent more time waiting than we did actually doing anything.  We loaded the SUV with literally everything that we now owned and made the pilgrimage to the airport. It was a surreal feeling as we drove down the highway that we had used so often, for the last time.

The check-in at the airport was the standard process. 

The weight of our meticulously packed suitcases checked out and we proceeded to the terminal to have a drink and wait to be boarded.  As we approached the walk-way to the plane I spotted the baggage personnel loading the dogs into the aircraft.  This brought on two different feelings between Hayley and I.  I was relieved that they were now on board the same flight as us. Hayley was now worried that they were on a plane.  The 8 hour overnight flight was without incident and was enjoyable in the club class section.  

Trevor at the Manchester Airport.
We had arrived in the U.K. at the Manchester Airport.
We touched down on a sunny morning in Manchester and made our way to customs.

The finger prints that we had taken during our biometrics appointment in December confirmed our identity to the officer. We were now officially in the country we would call home.  We made our way to the baggage carousel and retrieved our bags. 

Outside, we were met by the driver hired to pick us up and we were off!  The ride to our new flat took us through the incredible Peak District, the largest national park in England. 

It felt as though we had arrived on another planet.  There were sheep grazing in fields that were separated by stone walls and the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. In addition to the enormous rolling hills and rock faces we were in awe.

Sheffield, United Kingdom. Our new home.
Sheffield, United Kingdom. Our new home.

We arrived at our new home in Sheffield, jet lagged but excited. 

After quickly checking in with reception, were given our keys and taken up to our flat.  We now were officially living in the U.K.  The boys were delivered to us less than two hours after arriving at Brook Place. They were clearly happy to see us after an anxious time.  Once they were cleaned up after being crated for nearly fifteen hours, we ventured out to find a place to have some supper. 

This was our first experience with taking the boys out to a restaurant.  Despite being tired, we enjoyed a nice meal together and made our way home. 

It was early when we fell asleep that night, but we went to bed ready to turn the page to the next chapter in life.  We had successfully made it through Moving Day.