
Destinations World Map

We moved to the United Kingdom from Canada to be able to travel more and see what the world has to offer.

Where in the world do you want to go?

destination: flying through the clouds in an airplane, view from the window seat
Destination: Croatia, flying through the clouds.
destination: flying down into Amsterdam, view from the window seat of the plane.
Destination: Amsterdam, almost touch down.

On this page you will find our suggestions for each destination we have travelled to.

  • The best things to see,
  • The best foods to eat,
  • The best places to drink,
  • Where to stay, and;
  • Some tips and tricks to help you along the way.

These suggestions are just our personal opinions based on experiences. Everyone travels so differently and for many different reasons.

We hope that you enjoy our blogs and that you take something away from them. At the end of the day our goal is to help you make the most of your experience while travelling! The world is an adventure waiting to happen. There are so many places to see and things and things to do. We feel very privileged to be living this life and will be constantly adding destinations as we go.

Come with us on our journey across the UK, Europe and beyond.

Welcome to our Destinations page.

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About us

We are two Canadians living abroad.  

Follow along with us on our adventures, as we explore the world that was always at our doorstep.

 Sometimes it takes a leap of faith to see what is out there, the only limitations we have are the limits our minds tell us we have.

The Bourques Abroad Hayley & Trevor

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