Places To Eat in Ghent

Like so many other cities in Europe, the food and drink in Ghent is incredible. I’m sure you’ve read our blog on Two Days in Ghent so now it’s time to dive into the Places to Eat in Ghent.

Don’t worry, we will give you suggestions on places to drink too!

Jiggers Bar
Cocktails at Jiggers


Anyone who has been reading our blog for a while now, knows we love a good cocktail bar. When we were on the train to Bruges we sat across from a couple who lived in Bruges. They were thrilled to be able to share their recommendations with us, as they also enjoy spending time at cocktail bars.

The first place they suggested in Ghent was Jiggers. 

Their menu is constantly changing.

Depending on the season, the mood of the bartender, and the city vibes, the menu constantly changes. They also boast that if you tell them how you’re feeling and the flavours you like, they will make the perfect drink for that moment. We only had one drink each but it was delicious. I wish I could remember the name of the drink that I had, but the menu has changed since.

All I remember is that it had gin, a rhubarb kombucha, and a dark chocolate flake on the top.  Apparently, I was feeling a little bit zen and a little bit sassy that day. Trevor had the bartenders take on a Whiskey Sour and sipped it slowly because he didn’t want the drink to end. 

We had some great conversations with the bartender and the people sitting next to us (surprise, surprise).

We really enjoyed our time here. If you’re looking for a pre-dinner cocktail, a post-dinner cocktail, or a late-night cocktail, this is the place in Ghent to go.

They’re open Tuesday to Friday 5pm – 1am,  Saturday’s 4pm – 2:30am and Sunday’s 4pm – 12am. Jiggers is a 700m (8 minutes) walk from The Belfry, so, very centrally located. The cocktails range between €11 and €15, so they’re not the cheapest, but they are well worth the price.

You will notice that cocktails are just slightly more expensive in general than the average drink, wherever you go. They’re meant to drink slowly and sit and enjoy the flavours of your drink and the time spent with good company.

If you’re looking for cheap drinks, the next suggestion is for you. 

Bar des Amis

Here is my suggestion if you’re looking for cheap drinks in Ghent. Remember that place in your hometown where you went the first time you were legally allowed to drink? The floors were sticky, it smelled of stale beer, the music was loud, and the place was packed.

It was a fun time! Bar Des Amis gives off the same vibe. We headed here for two reasons; it was a suggestion from some locals whom we met in Bruges and it has my last name in it.

I always try to stop somewhere if “Amis” is in the name. It’s my maiden name.

Side note- our favourite place to eat in Paris was called Bistrot des Amis (look it up if you’re going to Paris). 

Bar des Amis is a 400m (5 minute) walk from the Belfry, so again, very easy to get to there on foot. We enjoyed our time there as we do like the hustle and bustle of a good bar. The street that it is on regularly hosts street parties and live outdoor music as well, but unfortunately, the night we went didn’t have anything on the go.

There are bars, clubs, concert halls, street vendors, restaurants, and cafes lined along the street, so it’s definitely an excellent place to check out in Ghent.

If you do go and there is live music going on across the street at Charlatan, take a video and send it to us! 

Places to eat in Ghent: Luv L'Oeuf
Breakfast @ Luv L’Oeuf
Places to eat in Ghent: Luv L'Oeuf
Breakfast @ Luv L’Oeuf

Luv L’Oeuf

I’ve said it before and I will say it again, I love breakfast. 

We were on the hunt for eggs that morning in Ghent. A lot of the shops around the area had waffles, croissants, and treats available but we were in search of something a bit heartier. We were up and out pretty early that day, so we wanted to sit down and enjoy a morning meal.

A waiter in a coffee shop around the corner from Saint Bavo’s Cathedral suggested Luv L’Oeuf to us, so we ventured off. It was a 13-minute walk from the Cathedral and it did not disappoint.

A bit pricey but the food was delicious. 

Trevor had the Classic Benny (Eggs Benedict on a croissant with bacon) and I had the Salmon and Egg Toast (gluten-free bread!). The bread wasn’t toasted, but sometimes these gluten-free breads just fall apart when you toast them, so I didn’t mind. It was light and fluffy and made my heart warm inside.

I feel like I talk about how much I love smoked salmon for breakfast all the time, so it definitely set my day up for success!

The restaurant was adorable; bright and rustic looking with lots of plants and floral arrangements. Service was also quick and pleasant, with an English menu available (win!). 

I would definitely recommend Luv L’Oeuf for a breakfast spot.

It’s a nice walk through Ghent and a delicious first meal of the day. Oh! And with the bill, they give you a cute little egg candy! It’s the little things. 

Definitely add this to your list of places to eat in Ghent if you’re looking for a great breakfast.

Pub De Dulle Griet
Full Max Van Het Huis
Pub De Dulle Griet
Empty Max Van Het Huis

Pub De Dulle Griet

De Dulle Griet is a beer café located at Vrijdagmarkt in Ghent. It is 450m (5-minute walk) from the Belfry. There are so many things to do and places to see that are very close to the centre of Ghent. I’m sure if we ventured out further we would have found even more hidden gems.

What I should have led with, was that De Delle Griet has a selection of over 500 beers.

It is absolutely ridiculous! They had a couple of gluten-free beer options as well, so I was a happy camper, but Trevor was in heaven! 

The reason that we searched out De Delle Griet was that we had been told that they had a Max Van Het Huis. This is a 1.2 L glass of beer that you can order but comes with some stipulations.

They take one of your shoes as collateral. They put it in a basket and hang it up over the bar until you’re done. This is so you don’t steal the glass.

They also tell you that if you break the glass, you owe the bar €90,00. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Trevor being so careful with ANYTHING in his life. He drank the beer, the entire time, with both hands, keeping it inside the wooden holder.

It was definitely an experience.

There was a set of couples sitting behind us, who also thought they would give the Max Van Hit Huis a go. One man finished his beer, the other did not, and they stumbled out looking like they were ready for bed. 

This massive beer challenge aside, if you like beer… make this a stop on your list while in Ghent. They are open Monday’s 4:30pm – 1am, Tuesday to Saturday 12pm – 1am and Sunday’s 12pm – 7:30pm.

There were so many beer options (remember I said 500!), so if you’re into beer this is the place for you in Ghent. After the Max Van Het Huis, we definitely had to pull out our list of Places to eat in Ghent as we were ready for some food.

Places to eat in Ghent: Eat Love Pizza
Eat Love Pizza Ghent
Places to eat in Ghent: Eat Love Pizza
Portobellla Pizza @ Eat Love Pizza

Eat Love Pizza

Their slogan is, “Love mother earth, it’s the only planet where you can eat pizza”. Enough said.

We actually stumbled upon Eat Love Pizza by accident. We were in the mood for tacos but the restaurant we had decided on was full and we could not get in. As we walked back in the direction of our hotel we passed a Pizza place that boasted about having Gluten Free and Vegan options. So, much like in Utrecht with Vegitalian, we had to go in!

It wasn’t very busy!

We were able to get a table right away. There wasn’t a menu in English so we muddled through the Dutch using Google translate. We started with the ANTIPASTI – VOORAFJES, Olive The Hulk, and then shared a pizza. It was quite possibly the most ‘far out’ pizza that I’ve ever ordered.

Are you ready for this pizza?

So, it was a gluten-free crust with a parsnip sauce, fried portobello mushrooms with leeks, garlic and sesame, pumpkin, and fresh herbs. I loved it, Trevor wasn’t the biggest fan. Not because of the taste but because it didn’t have meat and it was just so different from the normal pizza that he likes.

What does a crazy pizza like this cost?

The pizzas range from €14,50 – €20,00. A bit on the pricier side but all of their ingredients are natural and locally sourced.

Their pizza dough travels no less than 72 hours and their pizzas are’s inspired by Roman tradition with wafer-thin crust.

They are open Monday to Friday from 6pm – 10pm, Saturday 12pm – 2pm and 5:30pm – 11pm and Sunday’s 12pm – 2pm and 5:30pm – 10pm.

Where are they located?

Eat Love Pizza is 350m (a 5-minute walk) from Sint-Michielsplein. So very centrally located to the other amazing things to see in Ghent. Making it one of the great places to eat in Ghent.

Do you have any good suggestions on places to eat in Ghent?

Let us know in the comments! We would love to give them a try next trip!