Re-Writing Our Story

Our story began in Canada in 2012. There were many pages in the book of our lives before the universe led us to the current chapter. The early chapters of that book could occupy an entire blog on its own. Those parts of our story were like many others out there—boy meets girl, they fall in love, and life together begins. This blog is not to recount those chapters. It’s to pick it up mid-book when we decided to start Re-Writing our story. 

We thought we had a plan, to have a family, settle down, and move through life as we thought we were destined to. But that plan was never meant to be for us, and it brought us to a point in the book that is similar to the Choose Your Own Adventure stories. It took a while to conclude that we had a choice.

We always enjoyed traveling…

Every opportunity we had to travel we took. The trips we took to the Caribbean were always fun, and we loved to travel to watch sporting events. NASCAR, in particular, took us to places in the U.S. that we would’ve never visited otherwise— Alabama, Tennessee, Virginia, and so on.

We LOVE sports—all sports—and this gave us a reason to travel to all of those places. There were trips to Florida, as so many other North Americans do, to escape the cold of the North. We went to all-inclusive resorts in the Caribbean and they were fantastic.

Our travels always gave us the break that we needed from life, and a week at a time to enjoy each other’s company without the responsibilities of home and work.

Early 2019…

In early 2019 we decided to take a trip to Europe. We were able to scratch together enough money and three weeks of holiday time. Flights and Airbnbs were booked and we embarked on a trip that we thought was a once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity. That’s when we truly discovered our love of travel. The history, the amazing sights we’d only ever seen on TV, and the exoticness of Europe. We fell in love with the culture—well, the little bits of culture you can experience while zooming around trying to take in as much as possible in a short time. We returned from that trip exhausted. But we craved more. 

Re-writing our story…

The next two years brought more ups and downs. Covid happened and locked us all away. Our plans for the future changed drastically as our attempts to have a family ended. All of this had left us both feeling a little lost and deflated from the failure of our plan. It had left us wondering what was next for us. Do we continue on the current path of life? Work, mortgage, possessions, work, vacation for a week, work, and more work? Is this it? Is this what is meant for us? Do we have a choice in what life can be? Can it be what we want it to be?

This is the point where the story changed for us. The point where we decided to start re-writing our own story, one that does not fit the mold of what we were told life was supposed to be…

the bourque abroad